김정도 사진
연구원 정보
전화번호 033-650-3513  이메일
2018-09 ~ 현재  -  KIST 강릉분원 연구원
2018-03 ~ 2018-09  -  고려대학교 생명공학부 연구교수
2017-04 ~ 2017-10  -  고려대학교 미생물제어소재 연구소 연구원

2016-08   -  고려대학교 바이오시스템공학과 / 박사
2010-08   -  고려대학교 생명공학과 / 석사


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논문 목록
번호 자료명 저자 게재지 발행연도 초록
7 Osteogenic Effects of the Diospyros lotus L. Leaf Extract on MC3T3-E1 Pre-Osteoblasts and Ovariectomized Mice via BMP2/4 and TGF β Pathways 홍소연,나드제야 라제르카,전병준,김정도,에더네블 사룰,노주원,유지혜 Nutrients 2024
6 A peptide encoded by a highly conserved gene belonging to the genus Streptomyces shows antimicrobial activity against plant pathogens 전병준,Yoo Nayeon,김정도,Choi Jaeyoung Frontiers in Plant Science 2023
5 Pentaene macrolides AB023a and takanawaene C produced by Streptomyces xanthocidicus strain S3 for controlling pepper anthracnose 전병준,Kang Ji Eun,김정도,Kim Beom Seok Applied Biological Chemistry 2023
4 A Hyperspectral Data 3D Convolutional Neural Network Classification Model for Diagnosis of Gray Mold Disease in Strawberry Leaves 정대현,김정도,김호연,이택성,김형석,박수현 Frontiers in Plant Science 2022
3 Postharvest disease control efficacy of the polyene macrolide lucensomycin produced by Streptomyces plumbeus strain CA5 against gray mold on grapes 김정도,Kang Ji Eun,Kim Beom Seok POSTHARVEST BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY 2020
2 Disease control efficacy of 32,33-didehydroroflamycoin produced by Streptomyces rectiviolaceus strain DY46 against gray mold of tomato fruit 김정도,Park Min Young,Jeon Byeong Jun,Kim Beom Seok SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2019
1 Fusion of Spectroscopy and Cobalt Electrochemistry Data for Estimating Phosphate Concentration in Hydroponic Solution 정대현,Kim Hak-Jin,김형석,최재영,김정도,박수현 SENSORS 2019
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