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번호 자료명 저자 발행년도 게재지 초록
162 Solvent extraction of Fe(III) and Al(III) by versatic acid-10. 이동휘,김수식 1977 대한광산학회지
161 Some observations of crystallisation phenomena under pressure by using ammonium chloride solutions. 이호인,A. A. Das 1977 대한금속학회지
160 Reciprocal cooperative effects of multiple ligand binding to pyruvate kinase T. Nowak,최명자 1977 Biochemistry
159 Thermal rearrangement of α -oxo- α , β -unsaturated azines to N-substituted pyrazoles. Thomas A. Albright,Steven Evans,Edward E. Schweizer,김충섭 1977 J. org. chem.
158 Reactions in the SiO//2-C-N//2 system 이준근,I. B. Cutler 1977 Nitrogen ceramics (ed. by F. L. Riley )
157 Carbothermal reduction of silica. 이준근,P. D. Miller,I. B. Cutler 1977 Reactivity of solid (ed. by J. Wood et al.)
156 The effect of K+ on the inotropic action of acontium tuber 홍사악,김명석,박찬웅 1977 대한약리학술지 = Korean journal of pharmacology
155 수축빈도에 따른 수종 강심약물 및 부자 부타놀 분획의 강심효과의 분석 임정규,김명석,신상구,박찬웅 1977 대한약리학회잡지
154 Nitrogen sparing effect of intravenous amino acid solutions 박찬웅,임정규,이장규,이진오,박귀원 1977 대한약리학회잡지 = Korean journal of pharmacology
153 The efficacy of vibramycin precon PT-122M on various infections in OB-GYN 박찬웅,신상구,임정규,오세기 1977 서울의대학술지 = The Seoul journal of medicine